Put Android on your objects and make them alive!

We are used to see and interact with Android just with touch devices. But there’s a whole world yet to explore: physical things and Internet of Things. What if Android could power our everyday, offline appliances? What if we could integrate them using the thousands of available Android APIs ?
We’ re going to see how to make this happen, turning for example a regular coffee machine into a voice controlled, interactive and internet enabled coffee maker called Moka. Moka will greet us in the morning asking if we want a coffee and how do we want it. While preparing Moka can inform us about weather, news or cheer us with our favourite spotify music.
This can enable developers and makers to move Android away from touch devices, and create interactive projects with physical computing abilities.
We’ll detail how to achieve such result with UDOO, a single board computer that combines Android with Arduino.
We’ll explain we can fully exploit ADK capabilities and integrate every API into the physical world: like moving a motor when a tweet is received, turn Home heating system if outside weather requires it or turn on a light with a simple voice command. We’ll cover the basics of ADK implementation and explain some minimal Arduino related Hardware wiring.

Hardware Iot
Location: Sala Madrid Date: 10 April 2015 Time: 09:00 - 09:40 pisani Luca Pisani guarise Michelangelo Guarise