that’s a wrap!
thank you to everyone who was involved in droidcon italy 2020
We had two full days of droidcon Italy presentations, interviews and networking. Thank you to everyone who was involved: the sponsors, speakers and participants.
*** All of the presentations are still available on the event platform, for ticket holders, on-demand until the end of the year. ***
(Presentations will be released to the general public in 2021.)
The excellent droidcon Italy technical committee worked together to bring you a HIGH VALUE Android agenda and we all agree it was one of our most technical, detailed droidcon Italy agendas ever.
- We connected you to content.
- We connected the Android community.
- We connected with the physical world – droidcon Italy t’shirts for everyone!
droidcon Italy 2020: #AndroidConnected
Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) ecosystem has achieved rapid growth globally. With the launch of HMS Core 5.0 in June 2020, HMS ecosystem now fully opens up core software and hardware capabilities to global developers, with 56 Kits and a jump of API numbers to 12,981. By September 30, 2020, Huawei has over 700 million device users. The number of registered developers worldwide has reached 2 million. By August 31, 2020, More than 96,000 applications have integrated with HMS Core, with an 123% increase year-on-year. 73,000 overseas applications have launched in AppGallery, showing a 10-times year-on-year growth. Since its global launch in April 2018, AppGallery is available in over 170 countries/regions, with over 500 million monthly active users globally as of August 2020, and its applications get a total download of 294 billion times from January 2020 to September 2020.
Collaborate and engage with droidcon; be a leading player in the Android community.
Subito is the #1 digital company for buying and selling in Italy. We were established in Milan in 2007 and we are currently strongly positioned among the Top 10 most visited online brands in Italy, with 11M users every month. Our goal has always been to offer the easiest, fastest and safest services for buying and selling online in Italy. For this reason, individual and professional users choose Subito every day to do great business. We owe these great results to an intuitive and effective platform and a wide range and quality of offers, with controlled content for even greater security. There is also, of course, a tireless team of people who work, with passion, for our customers. Subito is part of Adevinta, an international company that operates in 12 countries in the online buying and selling marketplace.
With close to 4 billion products shipping per year, Bluetooth® technology is the global standard for simple, secure wireless connections. Since its formation in 1998, the Bluetooth community has continued to expand the capabilities of Bluetooth — powering innovation, creating new markets, and redefining communication worldwide. Today, Bluetooth is the wireless technology of choice for developers in many solution areas, including audio streaming, data transfer, location services, and large-scale device networks. Learn more at
Synesthesia is a digital experience company. We have been in the digital space for more than a decade. We bring life to your ideas: creating web, e-commerce & mobile applications, digital marketing campaigns and solutions. Synesthesia also offer an event production and management service, and manage their own events including droidcon Italy, Swift Heroes and Girls Tech. We provide value for our clients through our unique and innovative mix of know-how and creativity. Synesthesia is driven by passion for addressing technical and business challenges. .
AWS Amplify is a development platform for building secure, scalable mobile and web applications. It makes it easy for you to authenticate users, securely store data and user metadata, authorize selective access to data, integrate machine learning, analyze application metrics, and execute server-side code.
The future in practice. Something more than a school, something different to an academy. A place of training -focused on Interaction and Visual design, Web & Mobile and Backend development- which is already a workplace, where you learn by doing. Where teachers are professionals and entrepreneurs who apply and renew their business knowledge and experience which they impart on a daily basis.
We want to change forever the way people buy and sell houses. We build our own tech products and we exploit every opportunity to experiment and break the rules.
Avanscoperta is a growing community of professionals learning together, exchanging experiences and ideas, exploring uncharted territories. We organize remote workshops and events for Software Developers, Team Leaders, and UX Designers. We carefully select interesting and relevant topics and the best trainers worldwide with an eye to the most engaging teaching techniques. Ready to learn with us? #WeAreLearners.
4Dem is an “all in one” web platform implemented for manage your Digital Marketing Funnel. We are a droidcon Italy official partner and we support them in their web marketing campaigns. Our software will give you the opportunity to communicate, involve and gradually convert your professional contacts in prospect and customers. Plan and send your Email and SMS campaigns, create smart contact forms for your shop and analyze all results in real time!
Il Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Torino è stato fondato nel 1984 da una trasformazione del precedente Istituto di Scienze dell’Informazione, fondato nel 1971.
ll Dipartimento coordina le attività di ricerca che riguardano l’Informatica e in generale il settore ICT, all’interno dell’Università di Torino. Afferiscono docenti, ricercatori, personale tecnico di ricerca e amministrativo.
GrowItApp is an innovative service created to cure the most serious complaint Apps suffer from today: DESERTION. GrowItApp is a team of experts dedicated to finding the best marketing and technology solutions for APP PROMOTION, USER ENGAGEMENT, APP STORE OPTIMIZATION (ASO) and all that serves to ANALYSE AND INCREASE THE ROI of your mobile Apps.
Fondata nel 1980 a Bologna, Sysdata SpA – partner tecnologico ideale per l’innovazione delle imprese – rappresenta oggi una delle più importanti realtà private indipendenti nel panorama IT nazionale. Con circa 250 dipendenti distribuiti nelle tre sedi di Bologna, Milano e Mestre e un volume d’affari consolidato di oltre 15 milioni di euro, l’azienda si propone sul mercato fornendo servizi legati: alla consulenza funzionale per il settore finance, sviluppo applicativo cross-platform e progetti di Digital Innovation (Mobile, IOT, Domotica, Telematica, M2M, Marketing Automation) Sempre orientati all’innovazione come driver del vero cambiamento. Guardiamo al futuro con ambizione, forti dell’esperienza che quotidianamente ci guida. Abbiamo radici solide e sguardo prospettico. In oltre 40 anni di storia, abbiamo maturato competenze qualificate in ambito IT, marketing e comunicazione, ottimizzando il nostro standing consulenziale e la nostra offerta con un’ampia gamma di soluzioni end-to-end affidabili e di successo. Conosciamo bene la digital innovation, il suo essere di frontiera. Studiamo i suoi linguaggi perché diventino attuazione di nuove opportunità.La nostra missione è affiancare le Imprese nel loro percorso di trasformazione digitale e comprendere le direttrici del cambiamento entro le quali indirizzarle, con un approccio che permetta una rapida crescita del business e sfrutti modelli flessibili per ottenere risultati concreti e duraturi. Perfezionare la cultura organizzativa e produttiva delle aziende è il modo più efficace per rendere migliore e far crescere Sysdata stessa.
We are a young, dynamic and rising company with a peculiarity: we are all dedicating ourselves with passion, professionalism and innovation to the projects we are working on; our Clients are unique for us. Our primary goal is to be a “centre of competence” for development of Native Mobile Applications (iOS and Android), TV Applications (Tizen, WebOS, Saphii, Apple TV and Android TV) and Analytics & BI (IBM Business Partner since 2016). Our Company grows over time thanks to a continuous investment in research and training of qualified staff, as well as the development of own projects.
PostPickr è una startup innovativa che ha creato la prima piattaforma di social media management interamente progettata e sviluppata in Italia. Fondata nel 2013 ed attiva sul mercato dal 2016, oggi è accreditata in Italia come la principale alternativa ai big player internazionali del settore. Nel solo mercato italiano PostPickr vanta oltre 70.000 utenti iscritti alla piattaforma, tra professionisti, agenzie, brand ed imprese, ed è partner di consulenti ed organizzazioni leader nel settore del marketing per i social media.
Siamo un’agenzia formata da un team di esperti di marketing e pubblicità specializzati su diverse piattaforme e-commerce.
Il nostro programma Marketstore Masters
• è stato pensato come supporto ad aziende, imprenditori e privati che vogliono creare o implementare i propri business online
• evita spreco di tempo e risorse grazie all’affiancamento di chi è presente sui marketplace internazionali in modo professionale da diversi anni
Wise Emotions is the digital soul of Telepass, that in 2018 chose it as a main partner to start its digital transformation and become the first giant of green, urban and shared mobility in Italy. We are working on dozens of incredible projects with the typical tools of every Android developer, but we are also looking to the future of mobile development with technologies like Flutter. Our strength lies in this approach: a continuous refactoring of the codebase in order to always keep it updated and evolving. A methodology that enhances the quality of our work and makes us proud of it. Nurturing our curiosity, exploring new possibilities and sharing the result is what really counts for us before every delivery. That’s why we are growing so fast, everyday more and more. Follow us, not only on the highway 😉
Fitprime TV è la nuova piattaforma online per gli allenamenti di Fitprime. Il portale accessibile via web tramite smartphone, tablet e pc che ti offre la possibilità di allenarti comodamente da casa o al parco, grazie a centinaia di video on demand e a decine di lezioni in diretta live al giorno. Puoi scegliere tra diverse categorie e tornare in forma con allenamenti ad alta intensità, sciogliere le tensioni con lezioni di yoga o di pilates, rilassarti con la meditazione o scaricare lo stress con allenamenti di tonificazione. Nella piattaforma trovi sia lezioni singole, da fare quando vuoi, che dei veri e propri corsi suddivisi per livello di allenamento. In questo modo avrai la possibilità di sperimentare nuove attività e scoprire nuovi modi per tenerti in forma. Tutte le lezioni sono tenute da trainer selezionati tra i migliori del settore. Allenati a casa o ovunque ti trovi con Fitprime TV!