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droidcon Italy presentation 

Press release here (italian language)

droidcon is a global developer conference series where international developers, creatives, agencies, companies and commercial parties gather to present, discuss and exchange knowledge about innovative ideas, tools and projects for the Android platform.

The droidcon conferences offer high-class talks and presentations from different parts of the Android ecosystem, including core development, embedded solutions, augmented reality, business solutions and games. This accompanied by company presentations, featuring the latest hard- and software solutions, including phones, tablets, consoles, gadgets and – of course – SDKs, APIs, apps and widgets for business and consumer purposes.

droidcon is organized annually in cities like London, Berlin, New York, Sao Paolo, Beijing, Madrid, Amsterdam and since 2014 also Turin. The droidcon conventions are often attended by organizations like Microsoft, Google, Intel, Amazon, Epson, PayPal, Alcatel, Blackberry, Telecom Italia etc.

The upcoming droidcon Italy 2017 convention takes place on April 6_7th 2017, with Turin as its home base. Organized on the location of the former Fiat headquarters, droidcon offers international developers, creatives, start up agencies and companies the possibility to present their products and services within the Italian market. To interest possible new clients and users and also to inspire them for future collaborations. The droidcon Italy convention also serves as an ideal networking environment for exchanging knowledge, experiences and recruiting new talent.

PDF presentation of droidcon Italy (english language) (numbers, graphics, facts)

Where can I find press photo, graphics and video material and all the communication stuff?

Photos – Logo – Graphics-Social stuff  (Google drive)

Pictures from droidcon Turin can be also found on our Eventifier page. All pictures are under a Creative Commons licence and can be used freely as long as the photographer is mentioned.

Videos of all sessions are available on our YouTube channel.

For a more visual presentation:

Droidcon 2016 video presentation
Droidcon newsitem

droidcon Italy 2016 lineup to see the quality of the speech

droidcon italy 2016 Lineup

Connect with droidcon Turin on Social Media Sites

If you would like to connect with droidcon Turin and stay up to date, we are available on several social networks: Become a fan on Facebook, subscribe our Youtube Channel, add us to your circles on Google+ or follow us on Twitter to get informed about updates and news.


Our hashtag is #droidconit.

What does the Creative Commons licence mean for press photos?

A picture published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA Licence may certainly be used for current reporting about the conference. But the name of the photographer and the according license must both be mentioned.

Contact & Accreditation
+39 348 4731231

For accrediting, please contact . We will contact you with more details.

For interview requests regarding the droidcon Turin team or the program committee, get in touch with the press team at


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