Mike_Nakhimovich Mike Nakhimovich

Android Lead@New York Times

Android Developer Expert in Android and the Android Lead at NY Times. I’m a performance nut and responsible for reducing startup time of the NY Times app by 300%. I’m a regular blogger and speaker, last few include Android Camps at the United Nations, Droidcon Italy and 360anDev. I’m an instructor for Caster.io, paid writer for NimbleDroid’s blog, and co founder of friendlyrobot.nyc. I write for my personal blog as well and was recently on Tech Beacons top 40 android devs to follow on twitter. I am also one of the organizers for DevFestNYC where I also ran a performance workshop. Currently maintaining 2 github projects with 1000+ stars.

Has spoken at

DevfestNYC 16
DroidConNYC 14(wrap up talk at GDG the friday after with keynote speaker)

GDGNYC (recurring speaker)
NYC Java

Involved in organizing
First DroidConNYC

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