The Event

Q: Which is the format of the event?

A: Two days of conferences, 100% Android, about code, development, UX, graphics, distribution, advertising and much more. There will also be workshops for hands-on sessions.

Q: Will the conferences be in English or Italian?

A: We will have many speakers from abroad (UK, Netherlands, Germany, USA…) that will talk in English, and many Italian speakers (they can decide the language of the speech, so we will have many talks in Italian too). Please note that there will be NO simultaneous translation.

Q: Will the conferences be recorded / streamed?

A: Yes, the conferences will be recorded, but there is no live streaming. The talks videos will be published online in the months following the event.

Q: Will be there an Hackathon?

A: Yes! the hackathon will be on 11-12 April at the I3P of Polytechnic of Turin. Hackathon participation is free! Register here http://it.droidcon.com/2015/hackathon-droidcon-italy/  (deadline for online registration: 31 march 2015)



Q: Where can I buy tickets?

A: On Eventbrite: http://droidcon.eventbrite.it

Q: Can I pay with Credit Card?

A: Ticket purchase can be done using paypal. If you don’t have a Paypal account, you can also pay with Credit Card by selecting the option “Don’t have a PayPal account” on the bottom of the Paypal payment page.

Q: Can I have an invoice for the ticket?

A: Yes, just write us to droidcon@synesthesia.it specifying the name you used for the registration (or VAT code).

Q: Is the ticket valid for the 2 days

A: Yes!

Q: Is there a Student ticket?

A: Student tickets are available ad 29€ (up to 26 29 years old) – You will be requested to show a valid student ID on registration.

Q: Are discounts available for groups / schools / associations / … ?

A:  Yes, we can consider discounts, contact us. Most Italian Google Developer Groups already have discounts, so you may want to contact the nearest GDG first.


Other questions? contact us!