Working in an effective team

“Most of us know about agile practices such as Scrum or Kanban, we have heard about and/or practice continuous integration and maybe even continuous delivery. We dream of TDD, BDD, XP and other buzzwords. But how do you put these in practice? How do you get your team to be an effective team? How do you get those dreams to not turn out as nightmares?

That is what we were asking ourselves when we started a new multi platform project at VRT a few years ago (Vlaamse Radio en Televise or for you non-dutch speaking attendees: Flemish Radio and Television). How would we apply this on our native clients? How do you do these things on Android and iOS? How do you manage your backends in conjunction with these frontend platforms?

In this talk we’ll tell you the story of our quest to become an effective team.”

Agile Kanban Scrum Tdd Xp
Location: Sala Istanbul Date: 10 April 2015 Time: 14:00 - 14:40 2601a1b Filip Maelbrancke